I know it's kinda pathetic to be worked out over some made up story that you saw on the Internet. But i suddenly felt myself really lonely. And not that i don't understand that whole - get laid thing - but i feel that just doing it won't solve anything. Maybe it's my ancient priniciple not to betray or something... and this whole love of soul - lead to love of body and not just love of body. Althought then my "dream Harem" doesn't make sense =)
Time passes, and i feel that something building up within.
It's like i want to scream at the top of my lungs, instead of whispering almost unnoticed.
But no matter how long i will have to wait, no matter how long i will have to cuddle myself in some dark corner - i beleive that light will shine. Long enough to find a way to joy. The only problem with that - this corner is in abandoned building...