I... I just want to be found. I'm tired of this existing. I want to live. Please find me, help me, guide me... Push if you have to. Don't let me standstill anymore.
Gabriel - "God is my Strength". Intelligent, down to earth, tolerant, and merciful, you are most like Gabriel. You like to be straightforward but at times feel you do not want to be too harsh so you pour some sugar on to try and make things less painful for others. You care a great deal about other people even if they give you an absolute headache at times. You are very loyal and know how to keep your friend's secrets when asked. You are a rather logical sort and it seems at times you are viewing the world in a totally different mindset then most. Your an excellent communicator and may be diverse in several languages. When people have problems they know who to go to for mediation. Its a tough job, but someone has to do it, just do not overwork yourself. You need to keep your "give and take" balance in check otherwise you will tire out easily. Biblical Facts: Gabriel is often depicted with a Scythe and long magnificent silver horn. It is used as a traditional instrument in Gods orchestra, can lull beings to sleep, and it is said that he will sound it upon the day of Armageddon which will signal for all the faithful souls to go and join the creator in Heaven. It is also said that before a human being is born Gabriel whispers all the knowledge of god to the unborn child and presses a finger to their lips creating the cleft between their nose and upper lip.
I... I just want to be found. I'm tired of this existing. I want to live. Please find me, help me, guide me... Push if you have to. Don't let me standstill anymore.
Michael - "Who is as god" or "Who is like god"? Loyal, faithful, trustworthy, loving, and protective are what probably best describe you. People feel that you are highly dependable as well as responsible for getting even the smallest to the humongous jobs done. Merciful, compassionate, loyal as a friend and very honest, you do not like beating around the bush. You have a strong resolve and may even be physically capable of protecting others; protecting the downtrodden or standing up for other people's rights in general may be something that you feel very strongly toward doing. Biblical Facts: Michael is so dependable as God's right hand man that God entrusted Michael with the keys to the gates of Heaven and the Abyss (Hell). Michaels name is also a question, Who is like god, which has a very simple answer.
Biblical Facts: Gabriel is often depicted with a Scythe and long magnificent silver horn. It is used as a traditional instrument in Gods orchestra, can lull beings to sleep, and it is said that he will sound it upon the day of Armageddon which will signal for all the faithful souls to go and join the creator in Heaven. It is also said that before a human being is born Gabriel whispers all the knowledge of god to the unborn child and presses a finger to their lips creating the cleft between their nose and upper lip.
похож? ^^
Michael - "Who is as god" or "Who is like god"? Loyal, faithful, trustworthy, loving, and protective are what probably best describe you. People feel that you are highly dependable as well as responsible for getting even the smallest to the humongous jobs done. Merciful, compassionate, loyal as a friend and very honest, you do not like beating around the bush. You have a strong resolve and may even be physically capable of protecting others; protecting the downtrodden or standing up for other people's rights in general may be something that you feel very strongly toward doing.
Biblical Facts: Michael is so dependable as God's right hand man that God entrusted Michael with the keys to the gates of Heaven and the Abyss (Hell). Michaels name is also a question, Who is like god, which has a very simple answer.